Useful Stuff

Awaken ancient forms and play within them,
Sift gold amidst the wreckage of your slumber;
Renew your passions, maybe Pinterest pin them,
Tell that one toxic friend, ‘Yo, lose my number.’
The day is clear, a new day is aborning;
And so are you, perpet’ually. Gmorning.

– Lin-Manual Miranda, Gmorning, Gnight!

Want to talk about climate care on a nature walk? Wondering how to meditate with your kids? Need a resource for practicing lament after a death? You’ve reached the right place.

Our tools are research-based and tested by real families with real kids in the midst of messy real life. You’ll find hands-on materials and guides for engaging spirituality. No matter your experience or knowledge base, this stuff provides your how-to.

  • Dog Man Spirituality

    Dog Man and his arch-nemesis Petey the Cat are stuck in a cycle of fighting with each other until Petey creates a clone.

    Wondering with Wonder Walkers

    Research suggests that curiosity is both an innate human trait and a learned skill. The desire to learn more about our environment is hardwired into our DNA,

  • Choosing to Love with World of Wonder

    Activism is often portrayed in the media as an angry response to injustice. But civil rights leader Valarie Kaur sees activism as an outgrowth of empathy.

    Appreciating Differences with The Truth About Dragons

    In times of public divisiveness, children often turn to their families to decide how to think about differences. They may want to know who is right and who is wrong,

  • Encouraging Kids to Follow in MLK’s Footsteps

    This year (2025), the U.S. presidential inauguration and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day both fall on Monday, January 20.

    Exploring Compassion with A Mystery in the Forest

    As children, my next youngest sibling and I loved to ride our bikes together. Our six-year-old brother would beg to go with us but he wasn’t allowed to leave the yard.
