Posts tagged: Young Children

Teaching Young Children to Journal

As preschoolers, my children loved the ‘books’ their teachers created for them to use. They were simple…


Building Self-Understanding with Self-Talk

When she was three, my middle daughter loved to play dolls with her friends. They would reenact various everyday…


The Importance of Play

Play is a major part of childhood. Kids run around outside, hiding from one another, racing, or kicking a soccer ball.…


Exploring Teamwork with Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie

Preparing for a family get-together, I gave each child a different job. My youngest collected cups and my third…


Celebrating Juneteenth with Young Children

The United States’ newest federal holiday, Juneteenth celebrates the emancipation of African Americans from slavery.…


How Kids Learn to Remember

What’s your earliest autobiographical memory? If you are like most people, it’s probably a significant event from…


Babies & Racial Bias

My nine month old daughter cowered in my arms. She clearly didn’t want to interact with the person who had just…


Preparing Preschoolers for Spiritual Learning

Working with preschoolers can be a blast! Many are full of curiosity about everything and eager to explore. Even the…


Books for Earth Day

Every year on April 22, more than a billion people take time to reflect on the earth and its importance for human…


Chapter Book Spirituality with Preschoolers

When my children were babies, I would read aloud from whatever book I had at hand to sooth them when they were fussy.…


Spiritual Play with Bluey

My sisters and I often engaged in imaginative play when we were growing up. We came up with various pretend situations,…


Digital Spirituality with Young Children

A friend posts a snapshot of her three year old daughter on social media. Sonia* has her head bent over her mom’s…


Why Children Confuse God with Santa

Santa is everywhere these days. Well before Thanksgiving, store displays and commercials were selling products in his…


Spiritual Brain Power

When my eldest child was three, she shocked our neighbor by explaining in detail how a refrigerator works. Amber loved…


Environmental Justice for Preschoolers

As global leaders gather in Glasgow to discuss climate change, one message is clear: environmental justice isn’t just…


Do Children Believe in Halloween Ghouls?

When my oldest was four, she insisted on dressing up as Pluggie the Fire Plug for Halloween. A staple at neighborhood…


Picture Books about Refugees

With stories about refugees and immigrants frequently in the news, children are certain to wonder about why they’ve…


Why Children Won’t Ask for Help

“Go ask your teacher for help,” I told my daughter again. For a whole grading period, she had been struggling with…


Trust and Promises

As I left the gym, I overheard a mother tell her young son, “We need to get home right now and get snacks together…


How Spirituality Shapes Imagination

The other day I spread out a play mat for a friend’s four-year-old son and gave him a few hot wheels. He started the…


Infant Stress & Spirituality

Throughout the pandemic, news reports and magazine articles have encouraged us to think deeply about developing mental…


Guided Play

When it comes to educating young children, we’ve all heard that play is an important part of learning. And yet, when…


Young Children and Connectedness

The other day, my tween son and I were talking and laughing as we sorted through piles of nursery artwork I have stored…


Being Good

My sister-in-law bought me a t-shirt that says “be a good human.” Every time I wear it, people comment on the…
