Posts tagged: Understanding

Exploring Spiritual Concepts through Movement

For more than a century, developmentalists assumed that children were unable to understand spiritual and religious…


Building Self-Understanding with Self-Talk

When she was three, my middle daughter loved to play dolls with her friends. They would reenact various everyday…


Paying Close Attention to Kids

At my daughter’s sixth birthday party, she invited her friends to decorate pots and plant marigolds. I watched as one…


Exploring Neurodivergence with Good Different

When my daughter was four, she came home from school and told me that we could no longer show our teeth when we smiled.…


Looking Beneath with Kids

Everyone - young or old - have bad days. Days when it’s hard to get out of bed. Days when we don’t feel like…


Affirming Neurodiversity

I was recently invited to talk with a group of interns working in non-profit settings with kids. One noted that he had…


When Children Interrupt

Interruptions are an expected issue when working with children. Sometimes they want to tell us about their new pet or…


Children’s Understandings of Death

Death is a part of life. Even if some children do not experience it directly with a pet or family member, they know…


Helping Young Children Connect Actions with Consequences

As preschoolers, my kids love playing with story blocks. Our set consisted of wooden tiles depicting various…


Affirming Gender Diversity

When my children were young, we dressed them in a rainbow of hues. Some people found this frustrating because they…


Exploring the Gift of Rain with Sidney the Lonely Cloud

Like generations of children before them, my kids would chant, “Rain, rain, go away,” whenever raindrops threatened…


Recording Lessons

When the pandemic shut down in-person gatherings, many of us pivoted to online programs. Some loved working with…


Promoting Children’s Voices through ‘Grand Conversations’

One of my pet peeves with curricula for children’s programs is how teacher-directed most of the activities are. The…


Cultivating Intellectual Humility

“Saying something doesn’t make it so.” My grandmother would issue this reminder whenever my siblings or I would…


Durable Spiritual Learning

Recently, I watched several young children explore finger labyrinths for the first time. Most would race to see how…


Reexamining Humility as a Spiritual Virtue

Growing up, I was frequently told that good girls should be humble. I was expected to hide my intelligence and avoid…


Helping Children Explore Rules

No running in the house. Look both ways before crossing the street. Treat others with respect. These common family…


Visible Spiritual Thinking

My kids used to love puzzles that involved figuring out an unknown object from a close-up photo. They developed a set…


Cueing Spiritual Language

When my son was learning about lower case letters, he got into an argument with his preschool teacher about the letter…


Please Don’t Praise the Kids

“You’re so smart!” These three words come easily to mind when children do or say something that demonstrates…


Taming Anxiety

One of my children goes quiet when she’s anxious. Another talks incessantly and blows up when he gets overwhelmed.…


A 5E Model of Spiritual Education

One of my eldest child’s favorite memories is a series of 5th grade class sessions where they explored scientific…


Helping Children Understand Love

I have a love/hate relationship with Valentine’s Day. It's an opportunity to celebrate relationships with friends and…


Neuroscience and Learning

Have you ever heard (or said) that spirituality is ‘caught, not taught’? While it’s true that good models and…


Why Children Confuse God with Santa

Santa is everywhere these days. Well before Thanksgiving, store displays and commercials were selling products in his…


Movement-Enhanced Learning

Several years ago, I was leading a holiday workshop and more kids than I expected showed up. There weren’t enough…


Spiritual Brain Power

When my eldest child was three, she shocked our neighbor by explaining in detail how a refrigerator works. Amber loved…


Helping Kids Appreciate Facts

What is a fact? One basic definition is that facts are things that we know to be true because of experience,…


Encouraging Active Empathy

My daughter came home talking about a new girl in her class. Since being the new kid can be challenging, I want my…


Avoiding Seductive Details

Drawing children into learning activities can sometimes feel like Sisyphus rolling an immense boulder uphill. Just when…


Do Children Believe in Halloween Ghouls?

When my oldest was four, she insisted on dressing up as Pluggie the Fire Plug for Halloween. A staple at neighborhood…


Ways to Check Understanding

A common way to check whether children have understood something is to give a test. But even in schools, teachers are…
