Navigating Change with Ten Beautiful Things
Change can be both exciting and scary, and unwanted changes can be particularly stressful. Figuring out how to cope…
MoreChange can be both exciting and scary, and unwanted changes can be particularly stressful. Figuring out how to cope…
MoreThe loss of a loved one can be devastating for a child. They may feel anxious and overwhelmed, as well as confused by…
MoreStores filled with candy hearts, cutesy cards, and cuddly stuffed animals proclaim Valentine’s Day is fast…
MoreDog Man and his arch-nemesis Petey the Cat are stuck in a cycle of fighting with each other until Petey creates a…
MoreA 14-year-old Georgia teen brought a gun to school yesterday, killing two other students and two teachers. Eleven other…
MoreWe often wonder what pets are thinking and feeling, especially when they do something that seems odd or silly. A cat…
MoreAs the war between Israel and Palestine continues, many Palestinian parents struggle to feed their families. Violence…
MoreAfter weeks of endless (and often unkind) speculation, we now know: Princess Kate has cancer. She explains that she and…
MoreMy son jumped excitedly from foot to foot as he waited impatiently for the clock to strike midnight. Our local…
MoreWhen a friend’s daughter was diagnosed with leukemia, everyone around them was shocked and dismayed. We wondered how…
MoreNearly a million people were celebrating the Kansas City Chiefs and their Super Bowl win when shots rang out, killing…
MoreHanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights, is an eight day celebration that recalls how a small band of ancient Jews…
MoreI grew up in Oklahoma, where tornadoes are a common summer occurrence. My family would huddle in the basement as sirens…
MoreNumerous studies show that stress is on the rise among children. Some experts suggest that school closures and pandemic…
MoreMarvel’s newest release, Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 3, focuses on Rocket’s origin story as Groot, Mantis, Drax,…
MoreLockdown (Active Shooter) Drills have become a staple of children’s lives. Schools and organizations build them into…
MoreAnother school shooting, this time in Nashville. Seven people dead (including the shooter) and many more traumatized…
MoreMy kindergartener woke in the middle of the night sobbing. We had just learned earlier that her friend’s mom had been…
MoreLessons about slavery in the United States typically begin with life on a plantation in the American South. This…
MoreA school terrorized by an active shooter. A classroom of children injured and dead. Teachers killed trying to protect…
MoreSelf-awareness and emotional regulation are spiritual skills that every child needs. Research shows that art activities…
MoreA refugee toddler’s body washed up face down on a beach. A police officer kneeling on a handcuffed Black man’s…
MoreJust when we thought it was safe to relax a little, the Omicron variant has swooped in and put pandemic debates in the…
MoreThe last two years have been incredibly difficult. Children, as well as adults, have struggled to find spiritual…
MoreRuth Wills doesn’t believe in shying away from tough topics with children. A few years ago, she developed a method…
MoreOlder children often wonder about the reasons refugees and asylum seekers have left their homelands. They are able to…
MoreAs a new school year begins, many organizations are planning to welcome children back to in-person programs. But…