Looney Tunes Spirituality
Daffy Duck and Porky Pig are terrible at almost everything they try to do. They let their house fall apart, set Farmer…
MoreDaffy Duck and Porky Pig are terrible at almost everything they try to do. They let their house fall apart, set Farmer…
MoreResearch suggests that curiosity is both an innate human trait and a learned skill. The desire to learn more about our…
MoreThis year (2025), the U.S. presidential inauguration and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day both fall on Monday, January 20.…
MoreAs preschoolers, my children loved the ‘books’ their teachers created for them to use. They were simple…
MoreWhen she was three, my middle daughter loved to play dolls with her friends. They would reenact various everyday…
MoreAt my daughter’s sixth birthday party, she invited her friends to decorate pots and plant marigolds. I watched as one…
MoreThe beginning of a new school year is marked with excitement and anxiety. It’s a transition point, which requires…
MorePop up a digital calendar and you’ll likely see a host of cultural ‘holidays’ created to encourage local,…
MoreAwards ceremonies are often a major event at the end of a program year. Some children eagerly await them, secure in the…
MoreMy nephew is a science nerd. He collects facts about climate change and uses them to convince other family members to…
MoreMany of the children I teach come from households that celebrate multiple religious and cultural holidays. Others have…
MoreMovies and commercials often highlight traditional families and focus on the joys of being together. But real families…
MoreThe start of a new school year means many program leaders are scrambling to build relationships with new children and…
MoreYom Kippur, the annual Jewish Day of Atonement, begins the evening of Sunday, September 24. It is a time for deep…
MoreMy family lives close enough to the ocean that we can visit frequently. My children enjoy walking on the beach, playing…
More“I found it mom, I found it!” called my daughter. ‘It’ was her great-uncle’s name on the Vietnam Veterans…
MoreWhen I first started organizing an afterschool program for third and fourth graders, my supervisor’s advice to…
MoreSix years ago, I visited Istanbul with two of my children. We were there during Ramadan, which meant we observed…
More“Jamal is icky. He walks with a limp and talks funny.” “Suzanne is so stupid! She looks weird, too.” Such…
MoreWhen my children were young, a family friend invited us to a winter solstice party. There were sparklers and glow…
MoreI love holiday lights! Strings of colored bulbs wrapped around trees, icicle lights hanging from rooftops and fences, a…
MoreHand-me-downs can be a dreaded necessity or longed-for acquisition. I remember being crestfallen when a neighbor passed…
More“Saying something doesn’t make it so.” My grandmother would issue this reminder whenever my siblings or I would…
MoreAs a parent, I used to be suspicious of silence. If I wasn’t hearing sounds from the next room, I would wonder what…
MoreLyle, Lyle Crocodile offers several big songs and dance scenes that will engage and excite young moviegoers. But…
More“But mom, you don’t understand! Practice ran over and now the internet is down and I can’t get to the language…
MoreFall brings two major Jewish holidays: Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), which is…
MoreIn Unfadeable, Bella Fades is a fierce tween girl who loves her community and wants to see it thrive. Her strong belief…
MoreOne of parents’ greatest fears is that others will indoctrinate their children with ideas that don’t match their…
MoreMy kids used to love puzzles that involved figuring out an unknown object from a close-up photo. They developed a set…
MoreTaking chances is risky. Some children can’t wait to explore the unknown. Others prefer familiar structures and…
MoreImagine a bag of candies with the power to bring your sofa to life and give voice to falling leaves. Would you want to…
MoreAs the regular school year draws to a close, many extracurricular programs also pause for the summer. Teachers and…
MoreSetting small spiritual goals each day is one way that children can take responsibility for their own moral and ethical…
MorePurpose is an important aspect of a healthy spiritual life. Children have hopes and dreams. They want to make a…
MorePixar’s newest release is a coming-of-age story about a Chinese Canadian girl accepting both her changing body and…
MoreLike many parents, Michael W. Waters looked at his newborn son and thought him the most beautiful baby on earth. He…
MoreFor a book lover like me, one bedtime story often turned into two or three as I tucked my young children in. But I…
MoreMost of the time, we think of the global pandemic as a terrible time for children and learning. School closures, fights…
MoreThe last two years have been incredibly difficult. Children, as well as adults, have struggled to find spiritual…
MoreWhen my oldest child was 4, he begged to have his face painted as Spiderman. But when he saw his new face in the…
MoreEncanto, Disney’s newest animated feature, tells the story of an extraordinary family. Once upon a time, Abuela…
MoreRuth Wills doesn’t believe in shying away from tough topics with children. A few years ago, she developed a method…
MoreSocial change can be scary for children (and adults). Much of parenting young children involves teaching them to obey…
MoreDuring quarantine, my family watched all of the Marvel movies in chronological order. It was one of the few series…
MoreThe common idea that spirituality is a private matter creates a dilemma for organizations that partner with families…
MoreFor teachers and program facilitators who want to be reflective practitioners, Mills College School of Education…
MoreHearing others’ stories and telling one’s own is a powerful way for children to connect spiritually. Personal…
MoreLearning to make good decisions is an essential spiritual skill. Becoming a self-reflective person requires children to…
MoreAs many places lift pandemic restrictions, children need ways to look back over the past 15 months and reflect on their…
MoreMy youngest child loves Van Gogh’s Starry Night. In fifth grade, he picked out a t-shirt that had Albert Einstein’s…
MoreFamily spiritual rules are a little like superhero codes of conduct: they outline our values and the activities we…
MoreLearning to be attentive to the spiritual aspects of life takes time and practice. From the time we are preschoolers,…
MoreMany cultural and religious traditions have some kind of spiritual practice that involves reflecting on one’s…