Breath Meditation
Children (and adults) sometimes struggle to manage their emotions when stressful events occur. They feel anxious and…
MoreChildren (and adults) sometimes struggle to manage their emotions when stressful events occur. They feel anxious and…
MoreAs preschoolers, my children loved the ‘books’ their teachers created for them to use. They were simple…
MoreLearning to be courageous takes a lot of work. It’s not the same as just being fearless or comfortable taking risks.…
MoreAlmost everything we do with children involves things they need to remember. Spiritual stories have characters and…
MoreI watched a mom hurriedly feeding an infant while another child hopped up and down next to the table. “But mommy,”…
MoreMy uncle took me fishing on his boat for my tenth birthday. Partway through the trip, his line snagged something and…
MoreAs children head back to school, anxieties about relationships rise. Some wonder whether friends from last year will…
MoreGratitude may seem like a natural attitude, but studies show it is primarily a skill that children learn from others.…
MoreThe first time I saw flying fish, I was overcome with amazement. They looked like silvery stars twinkling in the waves…
MoreWhen we think of rituals, we often recall major life or religious events like weddings, funerals, baptisms, bar…
MoreDecember can be an overwhelming month for kids. Seasonal changes prompt a shift in clothing and outdoor activities.…
More“Let’s go around the room and say something we’re thankful for,” says the teacher. “I’m thankful for apple…
MoreMy children's elementary school had a student committee that planned service projects for every grade. Kids from…
MoreWhen my kids were little, getting everyone out of the house on time without tears or tantrums was a daily challenge.…
MoreMy social media feeds have been flooded with ‘first day of school’ photos. Children stand holding signs proclaiming…
MoreAfter 30 days of fasting, Muslim worldwide mark the end of Ramadan with Eid al Fitr, literally a festival of breaking…
MoreWhat’s your earliest autobiographical memory? If you are like most people, it’s probably a significant event from…
MoreSix years ago, I visited Istanbul with two of my children. We were there during Ramadan, which meant we observed…
MoreWhen I was a child, I bit my nails. It was a reflexive action whenever I felt stressed or anxious. I don’t really…
MoreIt’s snowing outside, and all anyone wants to do is bundle up in a blanket, sip hot chocolate, and read. Maybe…
MoreSeven candles stand tall in a kinara, ready for lighting. Their number and colors (red, black, and green) suggest this…
MoreThe winter months can be hard. Short days and long nights leave us longing for more sunlight. Cold temperatures chill…
More“How many more days, mom? How many more?” Every December, my kids would be hyper-charged with excitement for the…
MoreHow can children learn to build a better world? According to Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the answer is in…
MoreAuthenticity is trending as a value. Parents and children want to speak their truth and advocate for what they believe…
More“Can’t I just be 10 minutes late?” pleaded my daughter. We were driving to her Brownie troop meeting and I could…
MoreWe hear a lot about supply chain ‘issues’ right now. Store shelves are emptier than in pre-pandemic days. Online…
MoreIt’s the usual afterschool chaos in my house. Classic rock plays loudly and all three kids are gyrating in an…
More“You’re so smart!” These three words come easily to mind when children do or say something that demonstrates…
More“Thank you.” Two simple words we teach children when they’re small and hope they will use often. Giving thanks…
MoreSetting small spiritual goals each day is one way that children can take responsibility for their own moral and ethical…
MoreA few years ago, I taught a child who struggled with managing his emotions in group settings. He was unhappy about his…
MoreCultural and spiritual heritages are often passed on to new generations through stories and teachings by elders.…
MoreKids love emojis. As fun visual substitutes for words, they help children share how they’re feeling and communicate…
MoreSelf-awareness and emotional regulation are spiritual skills that every child needs. Research shows that art activities…
MoreOne of my children goes quiet when she’s anxious. Another talks incessantly and blows up when he gets overwhelmed.…
MoreOne of my eldest child’s favorite memories is a series of 5th grade class sessions where they explored scientific…
MoreWhen my middle child was in third grade, she was very anxious about taking tests. Her stomach would hurt and she would…
MorePixar’s newest release is a coming-of-age story about a Chinese Canadian girl accepting both her changing body and…
MoreChildren’s group leaders often wonder how much to share about their personal lives with young people. We…
MoreExamen is a reflective practice that originated in the 15th century. It’s purpose is to help children and adults…
MoreAn American celebration of Thanksgiving generally involves liberal helpings of turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and…
MoreStress and anxiety are common occurrences in contemporary family life. Parents and children have a lot to do each day,…
MoreMindfulness practices help children to become more self-aware. When they spend time being present with themselves, they…
MoreAs children return to in-person gatherings, they may feel anxious and stressed. An art-based mindfulness practice can…
MoreI’ll admit that I have generally thought of hope as an emotional state: an optimistic feeling of possibilities…
More“But mom,” my eldest complained, “why do I have to go to church school? They never talk about anything…
MoreWhen my children were little and dealing with sibling arguments, I taught them a quick mindfulness practice to help…
MoreFamily spiritual rules are a little like superhero codes of conduct: they outline our values and the activities we…
MoreMany cultural and religious traditions have some kind of spiritual practice that involves reflecting on one’s…
More“Look at what I made,” says my son, holding up to me his newest drawing. I respond, “Just one more second,…
MoreWhen my children were younger, they regularly asked deep spiritual questions. Preschool drop-off conversations were…
MoreChildren and adults often use guided meditation to help them relax or fall asleep. A soothing voice inviting you to…
MoreWhen life gets tough, a spiritual practice that deals with anxiety can make the difference between a whiny child and…