Posts tagged: Morality

Snow White Spirituality

From the time my kids were little, we have worked together to clean the house, take care of pets, and prepare dinner.…


Exploring Captain America: Brave New World

One of the things that frustrates my younger children is living in their older siblings' shadows. Teachers and coaches…


Practicing Courage

Learning to be courageous takes a lot of work. It’s not the same as just being fearless or comfortable taking risks.…


Fridge Spirituality

My refrigerator is covered in activity schedules, a recycling calendar, family photos, and children’s art. Anyone…


Helping Young Children Connect Actions with Consequences

As preschoolers, my kids love playing with story blocks. Our set consisted of wooden tiles depicting various…


Kindness Projects

My children's elementary school had a student committee that planned service projects for every grade. Kids from…


Making Kindness a Goal

My social media feeds have been flooded with ‘first day of school’ photos. Children stand holding signs proclaiming…


Cultivating Virtues

As my eldest child ran off the soccer field after another bruising loss, I prepared to console her and her teammates. I…


Exploring Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 with Kids

Marvel’s newest release, Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 3, focuses on Rocket’s origin story as Groot, Mantis, Drax,…


Yom Kippur

Fall brings two major Jewish holidays: Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), which is…


Helping Children Explore Rules

No running in the house. Look both ways before crossing the street. Treat others with respect. These common family…


Talking with Kids about the Reversal of Roe v. Wade

Since the Supreme Court decision last month striking down Roe v. Wade, the news is full of stories about what the…


3 Kinds of Spiritual Engagement

A couple of weeks ago, I observed a group of children in a local day camp program. The leader asked them to identify…


Helping Children Understand Love

I have a love/hate relationship with Valentine’s Day. It's an opportunity to celebrate relationships with friends and…


Digital Spirituality with Young Children

A friend posts a snapshot of her three year old daughter on social media. Sonia* has her head bent over her mom’s…


New Year’s Examen

Examen is a reflective practice that originated in the 15th century. It’s purpose is to help children and adults…


Do Threats of Punishment Serve a Spiritual Purpose?

To Elf or not to Elf? Every December, parents on my social media feeds wrestle with this Christmas conundrum. More than…


Encouraging Active Empathy

My daughter came home talking about a new girl in her class. Since being the new kid can be challenging, I want my…


Trust and Promises

As I left the gym, I overheard a mother tell her young son, “We need to get home right now and get snacks together…


Decision Matrix

Learning to make good decisions is an essential spiritual skill. Becoming a self-reflective person requires children to…


The Myth of Selfishness

A toddler tantruming when another child plays with one of their toys. Siblings bickering over who got the bigger piece…


How Labels Undermine Spiritual Identity

“Where are all my helpers? It’s time to clean up our room for storytime.”  Many adults use the title 'helper'…


Children’s God Concepts

Regardless of whether your family’s spirituality is tied to religious ideas or a specific religious tradition, your…


Being Good

My sister-in-law bought me a t-shirt that says “be a good human.” Every time I wear it, people comment on the…
