Exploring Captain America: Brave New World
One of the things that frustrates my younger children is living in their older siblings' shadows. Teachers and coaches…
MoreOne of the things that frustrates my younger children is living in their older siblings' shadows. Teachers and coaches…
MoreThe National Organization for Women reports that more than half of all elementary age girls are worried about being…
MoreIn children’s shows and movies, love is often portrayed as a pretty simple emotion. It’s a warm, fuzzy feeling…
MoreIn times of public divisiveness, children often turn to their families to decide how to think about differences. They…
MoreAs preschoolers, my children loved the ‘books’ their teachers created for them to use. They were simple…
MoreMy children delight in finding gifts to give extended family members. When their great aunt adored camel figurines,…
MoreMoana spends her days exploring the ocean, searching for other islanders. The ancestors have said that her people will…
MoreWhen my family took our seats to watch the movie version of Wicked, we were expecting an upbeat musical with big dance…
MoreLearning to be courageous takes a lot of work. It’s not the same as just being fearless or comfortable taking risks.…
MoreMy middle daughter has a form of dyslexia in which her brain doesn’t easily associate how a letter looks with the…
MoreBased on an award-winning children’s book by Peter Brown, Dreamwork’s The Wild Robot is a beautifully animated…
More‘Why?’ is one of my children’s favorite questions. When they were little, they asked, “Why is the sky blue?”…
MoreWhen my daughter was four, she came home from school and told me that we could no longer show our teeth when we smiled.…
MoreHopefulness is more than just a spiritual virtue and positive emotional state. Psychologists also view it as a…
MorePsychologists suggest that true humility is not about making oneself smaller to please others, but being able to share…
MoreEveryone - young or old - have bad days. Days when it’s hard to get out of bed. Days when we don’t feel like…
MoreKindness is more than just a feeling. It’s a way of being in the world that requires paying close attention to other…
MorePop up a digital calendar and you’ll likely see a host of cultural ‘holidays’ created to encourage local,…
MoreGrowing up in Oklahoma and Texas, summers were hot. My siblings and I loved nothing more than to head to our local…
MoreWith the 2024 Summer Games about to kick off in Paris, children and adults are hyper-aware of how athletes look and…
MoreMy family went on vacation with friends a few years ago. It was fun but also complicated to figure out how to live…
MoreRecently, my children were discussing who might have made their clothes. We have talked about child labor in factories,…
More“I’m going to be a programmer when I grow up,” said my 10-year-old daughter. She had just checked out several…
More“Paint my fingers and toes, too, mommy!” pleaded my four year old son. “I want to be sparkly like the girls!”…
MoreThe transition from childhood to adolescence brings a host of new emotions to the fore: anxiety, envy, embarrassment,…
MoreEvery June 19th, the U.S. celebrates Juneteenth. It’s a national holiday commemorating the ending of slavery as a…
MoreGratitude may seem like a natural attitude, but studies show it is primarily a skill that children learn from others.…
MoreWe often wonder what pets are thinking and feeling, especially when they do something that seems odd or silly. A cat…
MoreAwards ceremonies are often a major event at the end of a program year. Some children eagerly await them, secure in the…
More“You never listen to me!” complained my nine-year-old. She was trying to tell me about the antics of some of the…
MoreMy daughter’s third grade teacher had a unique way of addressing her students when they felt discouraged. She would…
MoreMy eldest child likes to figure out how things work. When she was three, she shocked our neighbor by explaining the…
MoreA child’s environment has a huge effect on their lives and, consequently, on their spirituality. The things and…
MoreI have a bumper sticker on my car that reads, ‘Well-behaved women rarely make history’. It’s a reminder to myself…
MoreThe Kung Fu Panda movies are some of my kids' favorites. Together, we have watched Po grow from a noodle maker into a…
MoreMy son jumped excitedly from foot to foot as he waited impatiently for the clock to strike midnight. Our local…
More“He made me feel bad!” wailed my son after telling me how a friend chose a different playmate at recess. “He…
MoreMy mother firmly believed that children should write thank you notes for any gifts we received. If we didn’t get them…
More“Tank you” said my daughter’s two year old friend as I passed out cookies to everyone in our neighborhood…
MoreMy refrigerator is covered in activity schedules, a recycling calendar, family photos, and children’s art. Anyone…
MoreFor many families, Christmas is - in whole or in part - a cultural rather than a religious holiday. And at the center…
More“Why do bad things happen?” asks my son. That question is hard enough to answer, but he doesn’t stop there. He…
MoreMovies and commercials often highlight traditional families and focus on the joys of being together. But real families…
MoreMy sister was 18 when she came out. It was a chaotic time in my family of origin, with lots of tears, threats of…
MoreThree weeks after my middle child started third grade, she was so anxious and upset that she couldn’t concentrate on…
MorePreparing for a family get-together, I gave each child a different job. My youngest collected cups and my third…
MoreMy social media feeds have been flooded with ‘first day of school’ photos. Children stand holding signs proclaiming…
MoreSexism, racism, and classism are hard concepts for children to understand. Kids have a strong bias toward fairness and…
MoreChildren are often curious about differences. They wonder why someone has red hair instead of brown like them, or…
MoreMy kids used to grab paper and pens and create their own comics. Their scratchy designs would tell stories about their…
MoreOutside the movie theater, two young girls are pointing at all the people wearing pink. A group of women observe,…
MoreChildren learn pretty quickly that there are often right answers and wrong answers to the questions adults ask. Those…
MoreStranger danger lessons, active shooter drills - these experiences can teach children that others are to be feared.…
MoreWhen my children were young, we dressed them in a rainbow of hues. Some people found this frustrating because they…
MoreA few days ago, one of my children wanted breakfast for dinner, while another preferred Indian. The first argued that…
MoreWalking through the farmer’s market last weekend, I overheard a conversation between a coffee vendor and a customer.…
MoreThe new Spider-Man movie, Across the Spider-Verse, is visually stunning, with different graphics for each universe. The…
MoreSome days are just yucky. Things happen that children can’t control and don’t like. They might be little things,…
MoreChildren have long loved Ariel, the star of Disney’s The Little Mermaid, because of her determination to live her…
MoreFears are a part of childhood. Whether it’s worries about monsters under the bed, big dogs, loud noises, or parents…
MoreAs my eldest child ran off the soccer field after another bruising loss, I prepared to console her and her teammates. I…
MoreSpirituality isn’t just a social, emotional, or cultural aspect of life. It’s also biological, passed from…
MoreI keep a small stone on my desk with the word ‘breathe’ painted on it. It’s a reminder to slow down, find my…
MoreOne of my pet peeves with curricula for children’s programs is how teacher-directed most of the activities are. The…
MoreAs a preschooler, my daughter loved Don and Audrey Wood’s The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and The Big…
MoreFor children, Valentine’s Day is more about friendship than romance. They’re generally eager to exchange valentine…
MoreMy nine month old daughter cowered in my arms. She clearly didn’t want to interact with the person who had just…
More“Do they bite?” asked Marcus* when we spotted a family of mule deer during a camping trip. Our group was excited…
More“10…9…8…7...6…5…4…3…2…1…Happy New Year!” My family celebrated the start of 2023 with sparkling…
MoreSeven candles stand tall in a kinara, ready for lighting. Their number and colors (red, black, and green) suggest this…
MoreI love holiday lights! Strings of colored bulbs wrapped around trees, icicle lights hanging from rooftops and fences, a…
MoreHow do you create a Black Panther sequel without the Black Panther? Chadwick Boseman’s death made it difficult for my…
MoreWith her latest album sweeping the top 10 slots on Billboard’s Top 100 - a first for any artist - Taylor Swift is…
More“Mom, I saw some people asking for money by the off ramp. They didn’t have any coats and it’s pretty cold…
MoreWhen marketers want to learn about people, they collect data about them. They then use that information to improve how…
More“But mom, you don’t understand! Practice ran over and now the internet is down and I can’t get to the language…
More“Can’t I just be 10 minutes late?” pleaded my daughter. We were driving to her Brownie troop meeting and I could…
MoreSummer can often be a time of celebrations and reunions as family members and friends travel to see one another. In Kat…
MoreMy family rarely misses a Marvel movie, and the new Thor: Love and Thunder is no exception. In his typical oblivious…
MoreTaking chances is risky. Some children can’t wait to explore the unknown. Others prefer familiar structures and…
MoreSam and TJ have learned a lot about ‘Dead Straight Cisgender White Men’ in history. So when they have to research a…
More“You’re so smart!” These three words come easily to mind when children do or say something that demonstrates…
MoreIt’s Gay Pride Month, and families of all sorts are celebrating diversity. Colorful rainbow flags attract…
MoreAs the regular school year draws to a close, many extracurricular programs also pause for the summer. Teachers and…
MoreSetting small spiritual goals each day is one way that children can take responsibility for their own moral and ethical…
MoreA few years ago, I taught a child who struggled with managing his emotions in group settings. He was unhappy about his…
MorePurpose is an important aspect of a healthy spiritual life. Children have hopes and dreams. They want to make a…
MoreI started transgressing gender norms with my children when they were babies. I dressed them in colors and styles…
MoreIn their latest book, author A.J. Sass creates a neurodivergent main character (Ellen) who is negotiating changes in…
MoreWith the calendar shift from February to March, we’ve gone from remembering Black history to lifting up women and…
MoreBo’s summer plans completely change when her mother moves into a Harlem brownstone with her fiance and another…
MoreSorting through a box of old school papers, I found a story one of my children wrote in 2nd grade. Her teacher had…
MoreChildren’s spiritual well-being depends, in part, on strong self-esteem. They need to see themselves as individuals…
MoreExamen is a reflective practice that originated in the 15th century. It’s purpose is to help children and adults…
MoreWhen my oldest child was 4, he begged to have his face painted as Spiderman. But when he saw his new face in the…
More“He has a doll?!” my mother exclaimed, disapproval ringing in her words. She couldn’t believe I would let my…
MoreAn American celebration of Thanksgiving generally involves liberal helpings of turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and…
MoreMy daughter came home talking about a new girl in her class. Since being the new kid can be challenging, I want my…
MoreMy daughter returned from her third grade ‘Meet the Teacher’ with news she’d heard through friends: a boy in her…
More“Go ask your teacher for help,” I told my daughter again. For a whole grading period, she had been struggling with…
MoreA common way to check whether children have understood something is to give a test. But even in schools, teachers are…
MoreValuing who we are and respecting others’ identities are crucial to spiritual wellbeing. Every child wants to be seen…
MoreAs I left the gym, I overheard a mother tell her young son, “We need to get home right now and get snacks together…
MoreHearing others’ stories and telling one’s own is a powerful way for children to connect spiritually. Personal…
MoreOne of my favorite preschool parenting moments was watching my children chase fireflies around our backyard on a summer…
MoreLearning to make good decisions is an essential spiritual skill. Becoming a self-reflective person requires children to…
MoreThroughout the pandemic, news reports and magazine articles have encouraged us to think deeply about developing mental…
More“But mom,” my eldest complained, “why do I have to go to church school? They never talk about anything…
MoreIn Wonder Woman 1984, young Diana, Amazon princess of Themyscira, desperately wants to win a competition. She is in the…
MoreParents talk with young children about the past a lot. We remind them of the last time they saw their cousins. We…
MoreWhen it comes to deciding what information about spirituality to trust and what to doubt, children acquire useful…
MoreMy family was doing our regular post-school, pre-dinner thing when the radio paused its scheduled programming to…
MoreMany children are growing up in families that have ties to multiple spiritual traditions. In a household where one…
More“Where are all my helpers? It’s time to clean up our room for storytime.” Many adults use the title 'helper'…
MoreDr. Eugene Roehlkepartain has noticed that when adults say relationships with kids matter, they really mean parents…
MorePixar movies are beloved by both children and adults for their creative stories, well-developed characters, and…
MoreMy children love to read. From a young age, they knew that I would rarely deny their request to buy a book that caught…
MoreForming an identity is a complicated task. The arts provide space to create and play with different identities.…
MoreSome children develop imaginary friends to keep them company. Others describe spiritual experiences that feature…
MoreWhen parents name a child, they do so with high hopes that the name will somehow influence who that child becomes. If…