Celebrating Black History Month in an Anti-DEI Society
Three of the Executive Orders signed by the President on Inauguration Day roll back Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion…
MoreThree of the Executive Orders signed by the President on Inauguration Day roll back Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion…
MoreThis year (2025), the U.S. presidential inauguration and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day both fall on Monday, January 20.…
MoreHoliday lights are a staple of many winter traditions. Solstice candles, Hanukkah menorahs, colorful Christmas strings,…
MoreBread is a diet staple. It comes in many forms, from rye loaves and buttermilk biscuits to focaccia and tortillas.…
MorePsychologists suggest that true humility is not about making oneself smaller to please others, but being able to share…
More“Paint my fingers and toes, too, mommy!” pleaded my four year old son. “I want to be sparkly like the girls!”…
MoreEvery June 19th, the U.S. celebrates Juneteenth. It’s a national holiday commemorating the ending of slavery as a…
MoreLooking through photos, I found several of my family celebrating Passover with friends who are Jewish. They would…
MoreIt’s Black History Month once again in the U.S., when teachers and group leaders plan lessons celebrating African…
MoreA few years ago, our family collected household items to help Afghan refugees relocating to our hometown. A local…
MoreDuring the Black Lives Matter protests of 2021, my home city (Richmond, VA) struggled with the legacy of several…
MoreHanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights, is an eight day celebration that recalls how a small band of ancient Jews…
MoreHobgoblins, witches, and ghosts are staples of Halloween, celebrated with glee by children throughout North America.…
MoreChildren are often curious about differences. They wonder why someone has red hair instead of brown like them, or…
MoreChildren from several nations gather in a playroom while their parents learn English as a Second Language next door.…
MoreWhen my children were young, we dressed them in a rainbow of hues. Some people found this frustrating because they…
MoreA few days ago, one of my children wanted breakfast for dinner, while another preferred Indian. The first argued that…
MoreThe United States’ newest federal holiday, Juneteenth celebrates the emancipation of African Americans from slavery.…
MoreJust a few weeks after cherry blossoms peak in the U.S. capital, Americans begin a month-long celebration of Asian…
MoreAs a preschooler, my daughter loved Don and Audrey Wood’s The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and The Big…
MoreMy nine month old daughter cowered in my arms. She clearly didn’t want to interact with the person who had just…
MoreCleaning out my daughter’s closet, I found a shadow box she constructed in 1st grade. She and a friend set out to…
MoreThe walls of my son’s pre-K classroom were covered with posters and children’s artwork. It was like walking into a…
MoreReading books about Martin Luther King, Jr. was more than an annual event when my children were young. We had several,…
MoreWhen I was growing up, November was a month filled with images of ‘pilgrims’ and ‘Indians’ sharing a…
MoreAuthenticity is trending as a value. Parents and children want to speak their truth and advocate for what they believe…
MoreAs fall crops are harvested and days grow shorter, many cultures and religions acknowledge the season with celebrations…
MoreIn Unfadeable, Bella Fades is a fierce tween girl who loves her community and wants to see it thrive. Her strong belief…
MoreSmall Town Pride stars a tween working to understand himself, change his community and gain autonomy over his own…
MoreEarlier this month, UNESCO added borsch, the national soup of Ukraine, to its list of endangered cultural heritage…
MoreSam and TJ have learned a lot about ‘Dead Straight Cisgender White Men’ in history. So when they have to research a…
MoreIt’s Gay Pride Month, and families of all sorts are celebrating diversity. Colorful rainbow flags attract…
MoreI started transgressing gender norms with my children when they were babies. I dressed them in colors and styles…
MoreIn their latest book, author A.J. Sass creates a neurodivergent main character (Ellen) who is negotiating changes in…
MorePixar’s newest release is a coming-of-age story about a Chinese Canadian girl accepting both her changing body and…
MoreWith the calendar shift from February to March, we’ve gone from remembering Black history to lifting up women and…
MoreChildren’s spiritual well-being depends, in part, on strong self-esteem. They need to see themselves as individuals…
MoreFebruary is Black History Month, a time when parents, teachers, and the media share stories of African American civil…
MoreCelebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on the 3rd Monday in January reminds us that society needs strong leaders:…
MorePlay is a central part of children’s lives and their spiritual journeys. When they use their bodies to explore the…
MoreAs global leaders gather in Glasgow to discuss climate change, one message is clear: environmental justice isn’t just…
MoreWearing hijab is a spiritual statement for Muslim girls and women. It is a sign of faith and a practice of…
MoreRuth Wills doesn’t believe in shying away from tough topics with children. A few years ago, she developed a method…
MoreOlder children often wonder about the reasons refugees and asylum seekers have left their homelands. They are able to…
MoreWith stories about refugees and immigrants frequently in the news, children are certain to wonder about why they’ve…
MoreMy daughter returned from her third grade ‘Meet the Teacher’ with news she’d heard through friends: a boy in her…
MoreEngaging children in spiritual work is a contextual experience. Yet much of our understanding about children’s…
MoreValuing who we are and respecting others’ identities are crucial to spiritual wellbeing. Every child wants to be seen…
MoreWhen the University of North Carolina declined to tenure Nikole Hannah-Jones after recruiting her for a chair in…
MoreMany children are growing up in families that have ties to multiple spiritual traditions. In a household where one…
MoreChildren consume a lot of media. They watch videos, play animated games, and have favorite streaming television shows.…
MorePandemic business closures, safer-at-home orders, and the move to virtual schooling have hit all families hard, but…
MoreWhen parents name a child, they do so with high hopes that the name will somehow influence who that child becomes. If…