Exploring Spiritual Concepts through Movement
For more than a century, developmentalists assumed that children were unable to understand spiritual and religious…
MoreFor more than a century, developmentalists assumed that children were unable to understand spiritual and religious…
MoreWhen she was three, my middle daughter loved to play dolls with her friends. They would reenact various everyday…
MoreAlmost everything we do with children involves things they need to remember. Spiritual stories have characters and…
MoreMy middle daughter has a form of dyslexia in which her brain doesn’t easily associate how a letter looks with the…
More“Would you rather wear your blue sweater or your red one?” Questions like this are a parenting staple and kids are…
MoreAt my daughter’s sixth birthday party, she invited her friends to decorate pots and plant marigolds. I watched as one…
MoreI watched a mom hurriedly feeding an infant while another child hopped up and down next to the table. “But mommy,”…
MoreI was recently invited to talk with a group of interns working in non-profit settings with kids. One noted that he had…
MoreThe transition from childhood to adolescence brings a host of new emotions to the fore: anxiety, envy, embarrassment,…
MoreWhen my children were young, we played all kinds of imaginative games. Sometimes we took our cues from stories we had…
MoreA child’s environment has a huge effect on their lives and, consequently, on their spirituality. The things and…
MorePlay is a major part of childhood. Kids run around outside, hiding from one another, racing, or kicking a soccer ball.…
MoreMy mother firmly believed that children should write thank you notes for any gifts we received. If we didn’t get them…
More“Tank you” said my daughter’s two year old friend as I passed out cookies to everyone in our neighborhood…
MoreWhen my friend’s children want to find a new book to read, they turn to TikTok. The app lets them search for videos…
MoreAs preschoolers, my kids love playing with story blocks. Our set consisted of wooden tiles depicting various…
MoreI’m watching a group of children prepare to act out a spiritual story. One child insists on taking the lead role, and…
MoreWhen my children were young, we dressed them in a rainbow of hues. Some people found this frustrating because they…
MoreSometimes when we talk about children, we focus on what kids can’t do: they can’t walk yet, or they can’t reach…
MoreAs my eldest child ran off the soccer field after another bruising loss, I prepared to console her and her teammates. I…
MoreSpirituality isn’t just a social, emotional, or cultural aspect of life. It’s also biological, passed from…
MoreI keep a small stone on my desk with the word ‘breathe’ painted on it. It’s a reminder to slow down, find my…
MoreWhat’s your earliest autobiographical memory? If you are like most people, it’s probably a significant event from…
MoreRecently, I watched several young children explore finger labyrinths for the first time. Most would race to see how…
More“But mom, you don’t understand! Practice ran over and now the internet is down and I can’t get to the language…
MoreWhen my son was learning about lower case letters, he got into an argument with his preschool teacher about the letter…
More“You’re so smart!” These three words come easily to mind when children do or say something that demonstrates…
MoreHave you ever heard (or said) that spirituality is ‘caught, not taught’? While it’s true that good models and…
MoreWhen my eldest child was three, she shocked our neighbor by explaining in detail how a refrigerator works. Amber loved…
MoreMy daughter came home talking about a new girl in her class. Since being the new kid can be challenging, I want my…
MoreWhen my oldest was four, she insisted on dressing up as Pluggie the Fire Plug for Halloween. A staple at neighborhood…
More“Go ask your teacher for help,” I told my daughter again. For a whole grading period, she had been struggling with…
MoreMy second child would become easily overwhelmed as a toddler. If we were shopping at the mall, she would start crying…
MoreAs I left the gym, I overheard a mother tell her young son, “We need to get home right now and get snacks together…
MoreSibling squabbles were a daily part of life when my children were preschoolers. They erupted when one child would steal…
MoreChildren spend a lot of time in public spaces: shopping at grocery stores, waiting for buses, washing clothes at…
MoreA toddler tantruming when another child plays with one of their toys. Siblings bickering over who got the bigger piece…
MoreThe other day I spread out a play mat for a friend’s four-year-old son and gave him a few hot wheels. He started the…
MoreIn Wonder Woman 1984, young Diana, Amazon princess of Themyscira, desperately wants to win a competition. She is in the…
MoreDr. Eugene Roehlkepartain has noticed that when adults say relationships with kids matter, they really mean parents…
MoreRegardless of whether your family’s spirituality is tied to religious ideas or a specific religious tradition, your…