Posts tagged: Connection

Learning about Love

In children’s shows and movies, love is often portrayed as a pretty simple emotion. It’s a warm, fuzzy feeling…


Wondering with Wonder Walkers

Research suggests that curiosity is both an innate human trait and a learned skill. The desire to learn more about our…


Choosing to Love with World of Wonder

Activism is often portrayed in the media as an angry response to injustice. But civil rights leader Valarie Kaur sees…


Exploring Spiritual Concepts through Movement

For more than a century, developmentalists assumed that children were unable to understand spiritual and religious…


Exploring Compassion with A Mystery in the Forest

As children, my next youngest sibling and I loved to ride our bikes together. Our six-year-old brother would beg to go…


Exploring Identity & Community with Moana 2

Moana spends her days exploring the ocean, searching for other islanders. The ancestors have said that her people will…


Being a Good Neighbor

“Hey, mom, should I do the porch next door too?” asked my eldest. We were shoveling snow around our house after…


Children’s Concerns about Climate Change

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reports that Earth’s temperature has risen just over a…


Building Connections through Magical Gifts

As children head back to school, anxieties about relationships rise. Some wonder whether friends from last year will…


Connecting with A River of Dust

Scientists who study the environment made an amazing discovery in the 1960s: the health of the Amazon forests depend in…


Looking Beneath with Kids

Everyone - young or old - have bad days. Days when it’s hard to get out of bed. Days when we don’t feel like…


Community-Building with Our Pool

Growing up in Oklahoma and Texas, summers were hot. My siblings and I loved nothing more than to head to our local…


How Nature Journals Increase Kids’ Well-Being

Last week, I saw a young child watching a bumble bee move from flower to flower on a large bush. “Shhh,” she told…


Kids, Eco-Anxiety & Gardens

Heat domes that elevate temperatures to unsafe levels and spark wildfires. Fierce hurricanes and tropical storms that…


Exploring Personal Connections with Despicable Me 4

My family went on vacation with friends a few years ago. It was fun but also complicated to figure out how to live…


Encouraging Future-Mindedness

“I’m going to be a programmer when I grow up,” said my 10-year-old daughter. She had just checked out several…


Pathways to Wonder & Awe

The first time I saw flying fish, I was overcome with amazement. They looked like silvery stars twinkling in the waves…


How Music Helps Kids Connect with Others

We are a music-loving family. All three children eagerly participated in recorder lessons in elementary school and one…


Learning about Self & Others with The Garfield Movie

We often wonder what pets are thinking and feeling, especially when they do something that seems odd or silly. A cat…


Imagining Wellbeing with IF

Studies show that around 65% of children develop imaginary friends (IFs) before they are seven. These sometimes quite…


Everyday Rituals

When we think of rituals, we often recall major life or religious events like weddings, funerals, baptisms, bar…


Children’s Resistance to Spirituality

Children, like adults, vary in their attraction to spirituality. Some revel in many different kinds of experiences,…


Kids, Ramadan & Food Insecurity

As the war between Israel and Palestine continues, many Palestinian parents struggle to feed their families. Violence…


Helping Kids Understand Symbols

Symbols are all around us, but sometimes they can be hard to understand. We need to know something about their cultural…


More Gratitude, Please

My mother firmly believed that children should write thank you notes for any gifts we received. If we didn’t get them…


The Science of Gratitude

“Tank you” said my daughter’s two year old friend as I passed out cookies to everyone in our neighborhood…


Santa Spirituality

For many families, Christmas is - in whole or in part - a cultural rather than a religious holiday. And at the center…


Holiday ‘Marker Talks’

Many of the children I teach come from households that celebrate multiple religious and cultural holidays. Others have…


Practicing Thanks-Giving

“Let’s go around the room and say something we’re thankful for,” says the teacher. “I’m thankful for apple…


Making Belonging a Priority

Three weeks after my middle child started third grade, she was so anxious and upset that she couldn’t concentrate on…


Exploring Teamwork with Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie

Preparing for a family get-together, I gave each child a different job. My youngest collected cups and my third…


Resisting Bias with Brian the Brave

Children begin learning about differences at a young age. Figuring out how to categorize things is one of the ways they…


How Curiosity Enhances Relationships

My daughter and her best friend met in 2nd grade. Their first weeks together were spent asking each other questions:…



School buses are back on the streets and pumpkin spice lattes have returned to coffee shops. Children’s backpacks are…


Counting Kindness with Kids

Countless families and children become refugees when extreme poverty or violence force them to leave their homes. The…


Exploring Every Little Kindness with Kids

Sometimes a story doesn’t need words to be powerful. That’s the case with Marta Bartolj’s Every Little Kindness,…


Movement Meditation: Connection

Movements can be powerful teachers. Our bodies remember and repeat motions associated with specific practices, such as…


Exploring the Goodness of Most People

Stranger danger lessons, active shooter drills - these experiences can teach children that others are to be feared.…


Connecting with Nature through My Friend Earth

Learning about the seasons of the year is a common focus in many preschool and elementary programs.  My Friend Earth,…


Going on a Rainforest Adventure with Forest

Brendan Kearney’s Forest is part of a series that chronicles the adventures of fisher Finn and his dog, Skip. In this…


Exploring Bad Days with Everything Will Be OK

Some days are just yucky. Things happen that children can’t control and don’t like. They might be little things,…


Connecting with Nature through Apple and Magnolia

One summer, my kids and I planted a small garden. While our cucumbers and zucchini did well, our tomato plants…


Family Hygge

It’s snowing outside, and all anyone wants to do is bundle up in a blanket, sip hot chocolate, and read. Maybe…


Exploring People Are Wild with Children

“Do they bite?” asked Marcus* when we spotted a family of mule deer during a camping trip. Our group was excited…


Celebrating Kwanzaa with Children

Seven candles stand tall in a kinara, ready for lighting. Their number and colors (red, black, and green) suggest this…


Encouraging Empathy When It’s Hard

Holiday shows play on our sense of connection to beloved characters. Kids who have been left out or bullied know how…


Celebrating Native American Heritage

When I was growing up, November was a month filled with images of ‘pilgrims’ and ‘Indians’ sharing a…


Encouraging Authenticity

Authenticity is trending as a value. Parents and children want to speak their truth and advocate for what they believe…


Children, Community Science & Climate Change

Earlier this month, the Pacific Ocean made news because it is shrinking faster than scientists expected. One reason…


Preparing Preschoolers for Spiritual Learning

Working with preschoolers can be a blast! Many are full of curiosity about everything and eager to explore. Even the…


Emoji Spirituality

Kids love emojis. As fun visual substitutes for words, they help children share how they’re feeling and communicate…


Sharing Personal Spiritual Practices

Children’s group leaders often wonder how much to share about their personal lives with young people. We…


Celebrating Black History Year-Round

With the calendar shift from February to March, we’ve gone from remembering Black history to lifting up women and…


Spiritual Storytelling with The Last Cuentista

For a book lover like me, one bedtime story often turned into two or three as I tucked my young children in. But I…


Reading The Proudest Blue

Wearing hijab is a spiritual statement for Muslim girls and women. It is a sign of faith and a practice of…


Avoiding Seductive Details

Drawing children into learning activities can sometimes feel like Sisyphus rolling an immense boulder uphill. Just when…


Developing Spiritual Persistence

I am often so excited when I begin a new spiritual practice, I expect to see immediate benefits. In my enthusiasm, I…


Chapter Books about Refugees & Asylum Seekers

Older children often wonder about the reasons refugees and asylum seekers have left their homelands. They are able to…


Picture Books about Refugees

With stories about refugees and immigrants frequently in the news, children are certain to wonder about why they’ve…


Welcoming Afghan Refugees

Many of the refugees airlifted to the U.S. out of Afghanistan last month are currently housed at Fort Lee in Virginia,…


Strengthening Connections

“I forgot my mask” yelled my daughter as she ran home from the bus stop, then back out again, mask in hand. Going…


Back to the ‘Kinda’ Familiar

As a new school year begins, many organizations are planning to welcome children back to in-person programs. But…


Talking with Kids Under 10

Talking with children seems simple enough, but effective communication is actually more complicated than we think. Our…


Telling Personal Stories

Hearing others’ stories and telling one’s own is a powerful way for children to connect spiritually. Personal…


Spiritual Connectedness

One of my favorite preschool parenting moments was watching my children chase fireflies around our backyard on a summer…


Letting Go of the ‘Main Point’

It’s often the first thing a teacher or group facilitator looks for in a lesson plan: a line near the top that…


Collective Spiritual Conversations

Often our interactions with children center around questions like “What did you learn? Or “How did that happen?”…


Infant Stress & Spirituality

Throughout the pandemic, news reports and magazine articles have encouraged us to think deeply about developing mental…


Managing Big Emotions with Mindfulness

When my children were little and dealing with sibling arguments, I taught them a quick mindfulness practice to help…


Using Virtual Rooms to Strengthen Community

Over the past year, teachers, therapists, librarians, and others have created virtual rooms with bitmoji to engage…


Spiritually Rich Virtual Interactions

As we slowly move back to regular in-person contact, part of a new normal will likely include virtual presence for many…


Unbundled Spirituality

Once upon a time, families turned almost exclusively to religious congregations to meet their spiritual needs. They…


Young Children and Connectedness

The other day, my tween son and I were talking and laughing as we sorted through piles of nursery artwork I have stored…
