Navigating Change with Ten Beautiful Things
Change can be both exciting and scary, and unwanted changes can be particularly stressful. Figuring out how to cope…
MoreChange can be both exciting and scary, and unwanted changes can be particularly stressful. Figuring out how to cope…
MoreAs preschoolers, my children loved the ‘books’ their teachers created for them to use. They were simple…
MoreAs children, my next youngest sibling and I loved to ride our bikes together. Our six-year-old brother would beg to go…
More“But mom,” wailed my daughter, “I wanted to put the glitter stars on the tree.” She collapses onto the sofa and…
MoreMy children delight in finding gifts to give extended family members. When their great aunt adored camel figurines,…
MoreWhen she was three, my middle daughter loved to play dolls with her friends. They would reenact various everyday…
MoreAt two and a half, my eldest child was obsessed with garbage trucks. She loved the sounds they made, the way they…
MoreMy two older children were just 6 and 3 when their dad and I signed on as volunteers with a major election campaign.…
MoreWhen my daughter was four, she came home from school and told me that we could no longer show our teeth when we smiled.…
MoreThe beginning of a new school year is marked with excitement and anxiety. It’s a transition point, which requires…
MorePsychologists suggest that true humility is not about making oneself smaller to please others, but being able to share…
MoreEveryone - young or old - have bad days. Days when it’s hard to get out of bed. Days when we don’t feel like…
MoreWith the 2024 Summer Games about to kick off in Paris, children and adults are hyper-aware of how athletes look and…
MoreMy family went on vacation with friends a few years ago. It was fun but also complicated to figure out how to live…
MoreRecently, my children were discussing who might have made their clothes. We have talked about child labor in factories,…
MoreAwards ceremonies are often a major event at the end of a program year. Some children eagerly await them, secure in the…
MoreMy son’s favorite plant in our garden is chocolate mint. He says it smells like a Girl Scout cookie. One of my…
MoreSymbols are all around us, but sometimes they can be hard to understand. We need to know something about their cultural…
MoreWhen my friend’s children want to find a new book to read, they turn to TikTok. The app lets them search for videos…
MoreI’m watching a group of children prepare to act out a spiritual story. One child insists on taking the lead role, and…
MoreThe start of a new school year means many program leaders are scrambling to build relationships with new children and…
MoreBeing aware of one’s surroundings can be an important safety practice. We teach children to pay attention when…
MoreAmericans have celebrated Earth Day since 1970, with other nations joining in beginning in 1990. The theme for 2023 is…
MoreWhen I first started organizing an afterschool program for third and fourth graders, my supervisor’s advice to…
MoreChildren’s feelings can shift and change rapidly. One minute a toddler is happily playing and the next they’re…
More“Jamal is icky. He walks with a limp and talks funny.” “Suzanne is so stupid! She looks weird, too.” Such…
More“But mom, you don’t understand! Practice ran over and now the internet is down and I can’t get to the language…
MoreFall brings two major Jewish holidays: Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), which is…
MoreNow that school is back in session, children have much less time to spend outdoors. Pressure to prepare kids for…
MoreGrowing up, I was frequently told that good girls should be humble. I was expected to hide my intelligence and avoid…
More“Can’t I just be 10 minutes late?” pleaded my daughter. We were driving to her Brownie troop meeting and I could…
MoreWe hear a lot about supply chain ‘issues’ right now. Store shelves are emptier than in pre-pandemic days. Online…
MoreA couple of weeks ago, I observed a group of children in a local day camp program. The leader asked them to identify…
MoreExamen is a reflective practice that originated in the 15th century. It’s purpose is to help children and adults…
MoreEncanto, Disney’s newest animated feature, tells the story of an extraordinary family. Once upon a time, Abuela…
MoreRuth Wills doesn’t believe in shying away from tough topics with children. A few years ago, she developed a method…
MoreMindfulness practices help children to become more self-aware. When they spend time being present with themselves, they…
MoreI keep returning to yoga practice in my adult life. It provides me with a space to be present in my body and helps me…
MoreMy second child would become easily overwhelmed as a toddler. If we were shopping at the mall, she would start crying…
MoreSibling squabbles were a daily part of life when my children were preschoolers. They erupted when one child would steal…
MoreAs new Covid-19 cases decline in the U.S., families are embracing opportunities to reconnect and restart communal…
MoreWhen my children were little and dealing with sibling arguments, I taught them a quick mindfulness practice to help…
MoreMy youngest child loves Van Gogh’s Starry Night. In fifth grade, he picked out a t-shirt that had Albert Einstein’s…
MoreParents talk with young children about the past a lot. We remind them of the last time they saw their cousins. We…
MoreMy family was doing our regular post-school, pre-dinner thing when the radio paused its scheduled programming to…
MoreThe other day, my tween son and I were talking and laughing as we sorted through piles of nursery artwork I have stored…
More“Look at what I made,” says my son, holding up to me his newest drawing. I respond, “Just one more second,…
MoreWhen my children were younger, they regularly asked deep spiritual questions. Preschool drop-off conversations were…