Affirming Children
Saying something positive to a child seems easy. We tell kids, “you’re amazing!” and exclaim “That’s the best…
MoreSaying something positive to a child seems easy. We tell kids, “you’re amazing!” and exclaim “That’s the best…
MoreFrom the time my kids were little, we have worked together to clean the house, take care of pets, and prepare dinner.…
MoreResearch suggests that curiosity is both an innate human trait and a learned skill. The desire to learn more about our…
MoreActivism is often portrayed in the media as an angry response to injustice. But civil rights leader Valarie Kaur sees…
MoreNew Year’s Day is traditionally a time to look back on the past year and forward into the future. It’s an…
MoreHoliday lights are a staple of many winter traditions. Solstice candles, Hanukkah menorahs, colorful Christmas strings,…
MoreThe winter holidays offer many opportunities for families to cook together. What might sometimes seem like drudgery -…
More“Oooh…the skeletons' bones clattered in the dark night as they rose from the graveyard and began to march. The…
MoreAlmost everything we do with children involves things they need to remember. Spiritual stories have characters and…
MoreAt my daughter’s sixth birthday party, she invited her friends to decorate pots and plant marigolds. I watched as one…
MoreKindness is more than just a feeling. It’s a way of being in the world that requires paying close attention to other…
MoreLast week, I saw a young child watching a bumble bee move from flower to flower on a large bush. “Shhh,” she told…
More“I’m going to be a programmer when I grow up,” said my 10-year-old daughter. She had just checked out several…
MoreThe first time I saw flying fish, I was overcome with amazement. They looked like silvery stars twinkling in the waves…
More“You never listen to me!” complained my nine-year-old. She was trying to tell me about the antics of some of the…
MoreMy kids have always been pretty good about settling down to do their homework. But after a half hour or so, first one…
MoreChildren, like adults, vary in their attraction to spirituality. Some revel in many different kinds of experiences,…
MoreLooking through photos, I found several of my family celebrating Passover with friends who are Jewish. They would…
MoreAs the war between Israel and Palestine continues, many Palestinian parents struggle to feed their families. Violence…
MoreA child’s environment has a huge effect on their lives and, consequently, on their spirituality. The things and…
MoreWhen a friend’s daughter was diagnosed with leukemia, everyone around them was shocked and dismayed. We wondered how…
More“He made me feel bad!” wailed my son after telling me how a friend chose a different playmate at recess. “He…
MoreMy mother firmly believed that children should write thank you notes for any gifts we received. If we didn’t get them…
MoreEvery year, my kids’ school does a Valentine fundraiser. Parents and grandparents can purchase pink and red…
More“Tank you” said my daughter’s two year old friend as I passed out cookies to everyone in our neighborhood…
More“Mom, I’m hungry, and there’s nothing to eat!” my 10 year old wailed while staring into a well-stocked…
MoreWhen my eldest was two, she asked if there would be “little meats” for Christmas. I was puzzled and tried…
More“Let’s go around the room and say something we’re thankful for,” says the teacher. “I’m thankful for apple…
More“No, no, no!” said the preschool teacher as she rushed over to a child threatening to hit a playmate. “It’s not…
MoreWhile hanging out with a babysitter one evening, my children decided to create their own tabletop game. They drew a…
MoreBeing aware of one’s surroundings can be an important safety practice. We teach children to pay attention when…
MoreSometimes a story doesn’t need words to be powerful. That’s the case with Marta Bartolj’s Every Little Kindness,…
MoreLearning about the seasons of the year is a common focus in many preschool and elementary programs. My Friend Earth,…
More“This is a story for Amelia,“ announced the adult leading storytime. “It’s a story for Marcus, and a story for…
MoreWhen the pandemic shut down in-person gatherings, many of us pivoted to online programs. Some loved working with…
MoreWhen I was a child, I bit my nails. It was a reflexive action whenever I felt stressed or anxious. I don’t really…
MoreOne of my pet peeves with curricula for children’s programs is how teacher-directed most of the activities are. The…
MoreAs a preschooler, my daughter loved Don and Audrey Wood’s The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and The Big…
MoreFor children, Valentine’s Day is more about friendship than romance. They’re generally eager to exchange valentine…
MoreCleaning out my daughter’s closet, I found a shadow box she constructed in 1st grade. She and a friend set out to…
More“Do they bite?” asked Marcus* when we spotted a family of mule deer during a camping trip. Our group was excited…
MoreThe walls of my son’s pre-K classroom were covered with posters and children’s artwork. It was like walking into a…
MoreI love holiday lights! Strings of colored bulbs wrapped around trees, icicle lights hanging from rooftops and fences, a…
More“How many more days, mom? How many more?” Every December, my kids would be hyper-charged with excitement for the…
MoreAs a parent, I used to be suspicious of silence. If I wasn’t hearing sounds from the next room, I would wonder what…
MoreHow can children learn to build a better world? According to Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the answer is in…
MoreEarlier this month, the Pacific Ocean made news because it is shrinking faster than scientists expected. One reason…
MoreIt’s the usual afterschool chaos in my house. Classic rock plays loudly and all three kids are gyrating in an…
MoreAs a white researcher and teacher, I know I am susceptible to implicit bias. Even though I am committed to antiracism,…
MoreAs long time fans of Toy Story, my children were excited to learn Buzz’s backstory. They watched as Buzz and Alesha…
More“Thank you.” Two simple words we teach children when they’re small and hope they will use often. Giving thanks…
MoreSetting small spiritual goals each day is one way that children can take responsibility for their own moral and ethical…
MoreA few years ago, I taught a child who struggled with managing his emotions in group settings. He was unhappy about his…
MoreSorting through a box of old school papers, I found a story one of my children wrote in 2nd grade. Her teacher had…
MoreMindfulness practices help children to become more self-aware. When they spend time being present with themselves, they…
MoreGetting to know the children with whom we work is essential. We learn their names and perhaps ask about their favorite…
MoreMass shootings have become commonplace in the U.S. No matter how a parent feels about gun control, the thought of…
MoreMindfulness is all the rage these days, and rightly so. When children take a few moments to focus their attention, they…