Exploring Body Image with Big
The National Organization for Women reports that more than half of all elementary age girls are worried about being…
MoreThe National Organization for Women reports that more than half of all elementary age girls are worried about being…
More“But mom,” wailed my daughter, “I wanted to put the glitter stars on the tree.” She collapses onto the sofa and…
MoreBedtime fears are a common childhood experience. Monsters under the bed or in the closet. Strange noises and shadows.…
MoreThe National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reports that Earth’s temperature has risen just over a…
MoreSince Hurricane Helene made landfall last week, more than 190 people have been confirmed dead and hundreds more remain…
MoreWhen my daughter was four, she came home from school and told me that we could no longer show our teeth when we smiled.…
MoreMy uncle took me fishing on his boat for my tenth birthday. Partway through the trip, his line snagged something and…
MoreA 14-year-old Georgia teen brought a gun to school yesterday, killing two other students and two teachers. Eleven other…
MoreLast week, I saw a young child watching a bumble bee move from flower to flower on a large bush. “Shhh,” she told…
MoreWith the 2024 Summer Games about to kick off in Paris, children and adults are hyper-aware of how athletes look and…
MoreHeat domes that elevate temperatures to unsafe levels and spark wildfires. Fierce hurricanes and tropical storms that…
MoreThe transition from childhood to adolescence brings a host of new emotions to the fore: anxiety, envy, embarrassment,…
MoreStudies show that around 65% of children develop imaginary friends (IFs) before they are seven. These sometimes quite…
MoreMy youngest child really disliked surprises when he was a preschooler. He wanted everything to go as expected. If he…
MoreMy daughter’s third grade teacher had a unique way of addressing her students when they felt discouraged. She would…
MoreEarth Day (April 22) marks more than 50 years of organized global attention to the environment. It officially falls on…
MoreAfter weeks of endless (and often unkind) speculation, we now know: Princess Kate has cancer. She explains that she and…
MoreNearly a million people were celebrating the Kansas City Chiefs and their Super Bowl win when shots rang out, killing…
MoreWhen my daughter was little, she watched a movie where the mother died. Afterward, she would become upset every time…
MoreDecember can be an overwhelming month for kids. Seasonal changes prompt a shift in clothing and outdoor activities.…
MoreI’m watching a group of children prepare to act out a spiritual story. One child insists on taking the lead role, and…
MoreMy family moved when I was a child. For the first 6 months, I refused to call the new house ‘home’. I did not want…
MoreAfter the 9/11 terrorist attack, my four year old asked, “Mommy, were there children on those planes?” I responded…
MoreAs we were preparing to move from one state to another, my four year old fell apart. “Where’s my train, my bunny,…
MoreNumerous studies show that stress is on the rise among children. Some experts suggest that school closures and pandemic…
MoreSome days are just yucky. Things happen that children can’t control and don’t like. They might be little things,…
MoreLockdown (Active Shooter) Drills have become a staple of children’s lives. Schools and organizations build them into…
MoreAnother school shooting, this time in Nashville. Seven people dead (including the shooter) and many more traumatized…
MoreWhen I was a child, I bit my nails. It was a reflexive action whenever I felt stressed or anxious. I don’t really…
MoreMy kindergartener woke in the middle of the night sobbing. We had just learned earlier that her friend’s mom had been…
More“10…9…8…7...6…5…4…3…2…1…Happy New Year!” My family celebrated the start of 2023 with sparkling…
More“How many more days, mom? How many more?” Every December, my kids would be hyper-charged with excitement for the…
MoreHand-me-downs can be a dreaded necessity or longed-for acquisition. I remember being crestfallen when a neighbor passed…
MoreLyle, Lyle Crocodile offers several big songs and dance scenes that will engage and excite young moviegoers. But…
MoreWorking with preschoolers can be a blast! Many are full of curiosity about everything and eager to explore. Even the…
MoreA school terrorized by an active shooter. A classroom of children injured and dead. Teachers killed trying to protect…
MoreSelf-awareness and emotional regulation are spiritual skills that every child needs. Research shows that art activities…
MoreOne of my children goes quiet when she’s anxious. Another talks incessantly and blows up when he gets overwhelmed.…
MoreI do a lot of walking. I sometimes walk from my house to my office two blocks away. I pace while talking on the phone…
MoreMy children loved going for walks when they were little. They would point out flowers, watch a caterpillar inch its way…
MoreWhen my middle child was in third grade, she was very anxious about taking tests. Her stomach would hurt and she would…
MoreJust when we thought it was safe to relax a little, the Omicron variant has swooped in and put pandemic debates in the…
MoreThe last two years have been incredibly difficult. Children, as well as adults, have struggled to find spiritual…
MoreTo Elf or not to Elf? Every December, parents on my social media feeds wrestle with this Christmas conundrum. More than…
MoreStress and anxiety are common occurrences in contemporary family life. Parents and children have a lot to do each day,…
MoreMindfulness practices help children to become more self-aware. When they spend time being present with themselves, they…
More“I forgot my mask” yelled my daughter as she ran home from the bus stop, then back out again, mask in hand. Going…
MoreAs a new school year begins, many organizations are planning to welcome children back to in-person programs. But…
MoreAs children return to in-person gatherings, they may feel anxious and stressed. An art-based mindfulness practice can…
MoreFor many children, the COVID-19 pandemic has been a time of trauma, grief, and loss. Even if children have come through…
MoreI’ll admit that I have generally thought of hope as an emotional state: an optimistic feeling of possibilities…
MoreThroughout the pandemic, news reports and magazine articles have encouraged us to think deeply about developing mental…
MoreAs new Covid-19 cases decline in the U.S., families are embracing opportunities to reconnect and restart communal…
MoreWhen life gets tough, a spiritual practice that deals with anxiety can make the difference between a whiny child and…