Posts tagged: Advocacy

Celebrating Black History Month in an Anti-DEI Society

Three of the Executive Orders signed by the President on Inauguration Day roll back Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion…


Choosing to Love with World of Wonder

Activism is often portrayed in the media as an angry response to injustice. But civil rights leader Valarie Kaur sees…


Helping Kids Learn Civility

“I hate them!” “That idea is so stupid!” “Who do they think they are, saying things like that?!” In a…


Encouraging Kids to Follow in MLK’s Footsteps

This year (2025), the U.S. presidential inauguration and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day both fall on Monday, January 20.…


Practicing Courage

Learning to be courageous takes a lot of work. It’s not the same as just being fearless or comfortable taking risks.…


Children’s Concerns about Climate Change

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reports that Earth’s temperature has risen just over a…


Kids, Eco-Anxiety & Gardens

Heat domes that elevate temperatures to unsafe levels and spark wildfires. Fierce hurricanes and tropical storms that…


Exploring Community Change with The Artivist

Recently, my children were discussing who might have made their clothes. We have talked about child labor in factories,…


Affirming Neurodiversity

I was recently invited to talk with a group of interns working in non-profit settings with kids. One noted that he had…


Gender Identity & The Dress in the Window

“Paint my fingers and toes, too, mommy!” pleaded my four year old son. “I want to be sparkly like the girls!”…


Exploring ‘Freedom’ with Kids on Juneteenth

Every June 19th, the U.S. celebrates Juneteenth. It’s a national holiday commemorating the ending of slavery as a…


Books for Women’s History Month

I have a bumper sticker on my car that reads, ‘Well-behaved women rarely make history’. It’s a reminder to myself…


When Children Interrupt

Interruptions are an expected issue when working with children. Sometimes they want to tell us about their new pet or…


Guided Meditation: Housing Insecurity

Before the pandemic, churches in my city would take turns providing overnight accommodations for persons without…


Guided Meditation: Healthcare Access

When I was growing up, money was tight. My mom took my siblings and me to the city health clinic for our childhood…


Guided Meditation: Immigration

A few years ago, our family collected household items to help Afghan refugees relocating to our hometown. A local…


Guided Meditation: Climate Change

My nephew is a science nerd. He collects facts about climate change and uses them to convince other family members to…


National Coming Out Day

My sister was 18 when she came out. It was a chaotic time in my family of origin, with lots of tears, threats of…


Exploring Identity with Loujain Dreams of Sunflowers

Sexism, racism, and classism are hard concepts for children to understand. Kids have a strong bias toward fairness and…


Counting Kindness with Kids

Countless families and children become refugees when extreme poverty or violence force them to leave their homes. The…


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Spirituality

My kids used to grab paper and pens and create their own comics. Their scratchy designs would tell stories about their…


Exploring Values with The Good for Nothing Tree

I have a peach tree in my front yard. Some years, there are lots of peaches and we scramble to pick our share before…


Exploring Care for the Ocean with I Love You, Blue

My family lives close enough to the ocean that we can visit frequently. My children enjoy walking on the beach, playing…


Exploring Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

The new Spider-Man movie, Across the Spider-Verse, is visually stunning, with different graphics for each universe. The…


Books for Earth Day

Americans have celebrated Earth Day since 1970, with other nations joining in beginning in 1990. The theme for 2023 is…


Encouraging Children to Lead

“Mom, I saw some people asking for money by the off ramp. They didn’t have any coats and it’s pretty cold…


Children, Community Science & Climate Change

Earlier this month, the Pacific Ocean made news because it is shrinking faster than scientists expected. One reason…


Exploring Community Justice with Unfadeable

In Unfadeable, Bella Fades is a fierce tween girl who loves her community and wants to see it thrive. Her strong belief…


Being Antiracist with Kids

As a white researcher and teacher, I know I am susceptible to implicit bias. Even though I am committed to antiracism,…


Talking with Kids about the Uvalde School Shooting

A school terrorized by an active shooter. A classroom of children injured and dead. Teachers killed trying to protect…


Project-Based Spirituality

A few years ago, my children’s school decided to sponsor two Habitat for Humanity home builds. The actual…


Reading A Duet for Home

What can children do about a situation that seems unfair or unjust? How can they be allies? These are two of the…


Books for Earth Day

Every year on April 22, more than a billion people take time to reflect on the earth and its importance for human…


Exploring For Beautiful Black Boys Who Believe in a Better World

Like many parents, Michael W. Waters looked at his newborn son and thought him the most beautiful baby on earth. He…


Reading Fauja Singh Keeps Going

Celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on the 3rd Monday in January reminds us that society needs strong leaders:…


Environmental Justice for Preschoolers

As global leaders gather in Glasgow to discuss climate change, one message is clear: environmental justice isn’t just…


Change Sings

Social change can be scary for children (and adults). Much of parenting young children involves teaching them to obey…


Welcoming Afghan Refugees

Many of the refugees airlifted to the U.S. out of Afghanistan last month are currently housed at Fort Lee in Virginia,…


Identity Portraits

Valuing who we are and respecting others’ identities are crucial to spiritual wellbeing. Every child wants to be seen…


Create a Virtual Protest

Even as places open for in-person experiences, virtual engagements can continue to be part of children’s and…


Talking with Kids about the Derek Chauvin Verdict

My family was doing our regular post-school, pre-dinner thing when the radio paused its scheduled programming to…


Earth Day Spirituality

Nature plays a significant role in spirituality for people of all ages. During the pandemic, many families have found…
