Looney Tunes Spirituality

Daffy Duck and Porky Pig are terrible at almost everything they try to do. They let their house fall apart, set Farmer Jim’s field alight, and get fired from numerous jobs for not following directions. Yet these quintessential buddies set off on an unexpected adventure to save the world in the first full-length Looney Tune’s movie, The Day the Earth Blew Up. Along the way, they navigate new jobs, repurpose explosive gum, and encounter an alien with a surprising mission, suggesting that even flawed and bumbling characters can and do make a difference.

Watch the movie together and choose one or more of the following activities to help children ages 5 and older explore a variety of spiritual themes.

Solving problems. Petunia Pig combines different chemicals, smells, and tastes to create an exploding gum that could destroy the meteorite on a collision course with Earth. That’s an unusual way to solve a problem! Invite children to imagine creative things they could do to help save the earth from destruction. Encourage them to draw pictures of their solutions.

Being disbelieved. Daffy witnesses a zombie putting dangerous alien slime into the gum mixture. He tries to warn Porky and others about the danger, but no one believes him. Encourage children to name and demonstrate with their faces and bodies the various emotions they experience when no one will listen to them. Then ask: How do you feel when others listen carefully to you? Invite them to shift between showing how they feel when disbelieved and how they feel when others believe them. Ask: What do you notice about these different feelings?

Ruining everything. After Porky and Daffy are captured by the alien, the buddies get in an argument. Porky yells that Daffy always ruins everything. Ask children: Why do you think that Porky said that to Daffy? How do you think Daffy felt when he heard those words? What are some other ways that Porky and Daffy could respond to what happened? Take turns pretending to be Porky and Daffy and acting out different ways they could handle the situation.

Saving good things. The alien was trying to save earth because he loves Boba tea and wanted everyone to have it. Invite children to reflect on things that they like and want to share with others. Say: Close your eyes and take a deep breath in (pause) and let it out. (pause) Think of something that you really love, just like the alien loved Boba tea. (pause) Look carefully at this thing you love. (pause) Notice its shape and colors. (pause) Imagine that you are touching it. Feel its texture. (pause) Listen for any sounds it might make. (pause) Sniff it and notice any smells. (pause) Now imagine sharing this special thing with someone. (pause) Notice their expression when you offer it to them. Notice how you feel as you share it. (pause) Take a deep breath in (pause) and let it out. When you are ready, open your eyes. Encourage children to share about their things and what they noticed while reflecting.



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