Choosing to Love with World of Wonder

Activism is often portrayed in the media as an angry response to injustice. But civil rights leader Valarie Kaur sees activism as an outgrowth of empathy. She believes that children who learn to see the world as an amazing community worthy of their care will be moved to speak up for justice. In her picture book, World of Wonder, she invites children ages 3-8 and their caregivers to notice and wonder about all the things and people they see around them as a prelude to what she calls ‘revolutionary love’.

Read the book together and try one or more of these activities to explore the relationship between empathy and justice-seeking more deeply.

Being curious. Throughout the book, Wonder Baby is curious about the world around them. Invite children to look around them. Ask: What do you see that you wonder about? What do you want to know about those things? Move closer to an object of interest and observe it carefully. If possible, pick it up and turn it around so you can look at it from all angles. Ask: What new things do you notice about this object? What do you still wonder about? Encourage children to spend as much time observing and wondering as they like.

Listening to stories. Wonder Baby learns about other people by listening to their stories. Some of those stories are happy and others are sad. Invite children to tell each other stories about themselves. After each story is told, pause to notice the feelings evoked by the story. Ask: How do you feel after hearing this story? How do you want to respond to the storyteller? If the story included a sad or upsetting situation, also ask: What could you do to make a difference?

Listening to yourself. Sometimes Wonder Baby feels upset and overwhelmed. That’s when they focus on listening to and processing their emotions. Invite children to imagine that someone is treating them badly. Say: Close your eyes and take a deep breath in (pause) and let it out. (pause) Now imagine that someone is yelling at you. They are calling you names and telling you to go away. (pause) How do you feel as you listen to their hurtful words? (pause) What do you do? (pause) Now take another deep breath in (pause) and let it out. (pause) Do this a few more times. (longer pause) How do you feel now? What has changed inside you? (pause) Continue to breathe deeply in and out until you are ready to open your eyes. Talk together about the experience of using breathing to manage big emotions.

Empathizing with others. When Wonder Baby sees someone do something hurtful, they wonder about the reasons for that behavior rather than retaliating. Invite children to identify mean and hurtful actions that they have witnessed. Pick one action off that list and brainstorm reasons that someone might act that way. Try to come up with at least 10 possibilities. Then imagine things that you could do in response that address those reasons. For example, a child might push another child on the playground because they feel left out or are upset over a parent’s job loss. Possible responses might include inviting them to play or asking how they are feeling.



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